Si-So-Aggregat: Still at work! Will be finished in May 2025!
Description why the Death-Spot are necessary:
# The Light-Beams of the Light-Beam-Switch must have a free entry on to the Top of the
Upper-Unit-Double-Pyramid (of the End-Cluster)!
# The Death-Spot have a Cooling-Function of the whole System.
Way the Death-Spot must have an Angle more the 12°?
# The Cooling of the Sysem must be warrant!
# harmonic function of the Surfaces: Outer-Spare to Death-Spot for the Inner-Light-Beams!
max. Temperature
# Melting-Temperature of the Glas-Pyramids ~ 1650° Celsius
- max. Temperature of the Inner-System (Titanium-Spare) < 1480° Celsius
Treffen 2 Laserlichtstrahlen:
#1-ter Laser: im Mittelpunkt einer Fläche der Pyramide
#2-ter Laser: senkrecht auf die Spitze der Pyramide
so werden die Laserstrahlen aufsummiert und emittieren die überschüssige Energie in die Kanten der Pyramide.